Company News
2 min read

Climate Tech 1000? We’re on the list!

The Financial Times recently wrote: “…there was a record $17bn in venture capital pumped into the so-called “climate tech” space in 2020, according to data from Bloomberg NEF, a research group — triple the sum spent four years before.

The researchers at HolonIQ noted that they were surprised at the sheer volume of companies in the space. They didn’t expect to find more than 500 climate tech companies in Australia and New Zealand alone. So the momentum is clearly there, attracting more and more bright minds to the sector and more and more investors and media focus.

PWC’s “The state of Climate Tech” is going to be an annual report

For some more in-depth data is this PWC report, which is now going to be “an annual look at climate tech investing”. This from the report:

We need faster, bolder innovation in climate tech, and startup innovation can help deliver this. The startup/venture ecosystem is geared up to deliver fast growing, highly scalable companies with a technological edge, which is exactly what is needed now for climate.”

Investment confidence is key

There is a link between what climate tech investors face, and those who are planning to build decentralized, smart energy systems now. Investors need confidence that they are making the right decisions. This complexity is why our customers use Gridcognition to model hundreds of commercial scenarios before committing to projects. All in all, that helps faster decision making, and faster deployment of projects that will drive the transition to a decentralized, decarbonized future.

Fabian Le Gay Brereton
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
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