We explore how distribution networks can adapt to support renewable energy growth through flexible connections, local flexibility, and innovative tariffs.

Let’s talk about demand. Specifically, average daily load shapes throughout the year.
In the chart above the average daily load shape for each season is plotted for the five regions of the National Electricity Market and the South West Interconnected System in Western Australia (simply referred to as Western Australia from here onwards). Four different years are charted — 2010, 2015, 2020 and 2023.
What do these charts tell us?
But! I’ve neglected to mention the clearest trend in the charts above — the so called ‘duck curve’. As increasingly large numbers of residential and commercial & industrial customers have installed rooftop solar, the energy generated is used to not only reduce their draw from the grid, but excess generation ‘spills’ into the grid, lowering the overall demand of the grid.
Why is it called the ‘duck curve’? Well the declining demand is the belly of the duck, apparently. Synergy has produced a nice little graphic to demonstrate.
There are two primary concerns with the duck curve:
These patterns are clearly evident in the charts above — the belly of the duck is deepest in South Australia during the spring, when mild ambient temperatures leads to lower electricity consumption and clear skies yields great conditions for rooftop PV. Because the evening peak has been largely unaffected, the ramp rates required have been getting steeper and steeper.
The duck curve has some significant implications:
Yes and no. In sunny electricity grids like California (CAISO), where the term duck curve was coined, absolutely. The duck shows its beak in plenty of other grids too. But what about our less sunny neighbours in the UK?
There’s a clear change in shape of the demand during the middle of the day, however the overall shape changes are much less dramatic than the antipodeans.
But the far more obvious story is the huge overall decline in electricity consumption over the last decade. In fact there’s been a 15% decline in annual grid consumption over the same period, whereas the Australian grids have been largely flat.
But as the energy consumption of the British grid has changed, the shape of demand is clearly beginning to look like those down under.
The duck curve is clearly here, and clearly beginning to cause headaches. It’s also not going anywhere (solar, that is).
But what if we could use the duck to our advantage? The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis completed modelling on how flexible trading with a battery and rooftop solar could fundamentally alter the shape of the duck, squashing it and producing the sleeping duck scenario seen below.
Batteries, electric vehicles and flexible loads are well placed to take advantage of the changing shape of the grid demand — but they’ll need clear pricing signals and sensible and dynamic connection constraints aligned to benefit the grid operator, energy consumers, and asset owners. Gridcog makes it easy to incorporate price signals and connection constraints into your project models so you can design commercially viable projects to slay the duck!
We explore how distribution networks can adapt to support renewable energy growth through flexible connections, local flexibility, and innovative tariffs.
Learn how California’s new Limited Generation Profiles and more flexible interconnection options generally are helping to accelerate clean energy investment.
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