24/7 CFE
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Introducing the 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings Project

The world is moving towards a sustainable future with a particular focus on mitigating climate change, and one of the most critical components in achieving this goal is the transition to renewable energy supply. In a recent report the IPCC identified wind and solar energy as having the greatest potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions over the next decade.

The built environment plays a significant role in this effort. Buildings account for a large portion of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, but also,  renewable energy supply is intermittent, and buildings have the potential to change their energy consumption to match renewable energy generation. The 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings project, supported by the NSW Government, is trying to change the way we think about energy usage and emissions in commercial buildings.

The United Nations' 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact, a key driver behind this project, envisions a future where "every kilowatt-hour of electricity consumption is met with carbon-free electricity sources, every hour of every day, everywhere." The 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings project takes this concept and focuses on applying it to commercial properties, helping asset owners and tenants to explore the impact of tracking emissions on a location and time-matched basis.

Collaboration for a Greener Future

This groundbreaking project is led by Gridcog, with support from DeltaQ Consulting and JLL Sustainability Consulting. By working with a select number of real estate businesses, the project aims to analyse a variety of existing building portfolios in NSW. The goal is to explore alternative methods for tracking and reporting emissions, using location and time-matched emissions intensity factors, and prioritizing energy projects and procurement opportunities to minimise direct building emissions. The findings will be shared with the broader industry in early 2024.

The 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings project will investigate various opportunities, including building electrification, load shifting/demand flexibility, on-site energy resources (such as solar and battery storage), and off-site renewable procurement. The project will also explore the transition towards a new renewable energy certification system (REGOs) that supports guarantee of origin, additionality, and location and time-matching of generation.

As Australia continues to build out massive new renewable energy zones, increasing levels of demand-side participation will be crucial to reduce curtailment of renewables and reliance on fossil fuel energy sources. By shifting loads to match times of high renewable generation, buildings can contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enable more efficient investment in the decarbonisation of the energy system.

Join the Free Launch Event

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this revolutionary project by attending the free online event on the 27th of April, 2023. Register for the Zoom Webinar and learn from industry experts about the latest trends in renewable energy procurement, tracking and reporting building emissions, building electrification, demand shifting, and innovative ways to prioritise energy procurement and project opportunities.

Who Should Attend?

  • Sustainability leaders
  • Asset managers
  • Energy teams
  • Consultants

Why Attend?

  • Gain insights into the changing landscape of renewable energy procurement in Australia
  • Learn new ways of tracking and reporting building emissions on a location and time-matched basis
  • Understand how building electrification and demand shifting can reduce energy supply costs
  • Discover innovative approaches to prioritising energy procurement and project opportunities

How to Attend?

Join us in our quest to transform the built environment and contribute to a cleaner, greener future for all. Getting to 24/7 Carbon Free Buildings is an important step in the global effort to decarbonise our energy systems and create a sustainable future for generations to come. Register for the event today and be part of this new initiative.

Fabian Le Gay Brereton
Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
April 11, 2023
What’s the future of Renewable Energy Certification in Australia

Australia is set to launch a new voluntary scheme to support renewable energy procurement and storage after 2030. The scheme will provide crucial information about the origin and characteristics of renewable energy. Learn more about this upcoming scheme and its potential impact on the market.

The UN Energy 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact

I am pleased to announce that Gridcognition is now officially a signatory of the 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy Compact.

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